Access for computer viruses
Computer viruses have access to computers wherever data and programs are exchanged with other computers. First of all, the program and data exchange via e-mail and exchangeable data carriers such as floppy disks, ZIP disks or CDs. Then the application of programmed websites and the program download from the Internet.
Computer virus detection capabilities
Computer viruses can be detected in various ways. The first and oldest detection method is the unusual modification of files and the boot blocks of the disks. Checksums are created for this purpose, which display unforeseen changes if they are checked regularly.
Then there is pattern recognition. Particularly successful with computer viruses that do not change. Here, the bit pattern is simply compared with program files. If the pattern is present, a virus is suspected.
All computer viruses usually have only one purpose, copying each other and sometimes interfering with the computer system. Usually the same program functions, program patterns are used. These can be monitored. If a program function is used unexpectedly, e.g. format the hard disk, this function can be prevented.
General protection
Before an antivirus program is used, there are general protection options that can be taken.
- Emails of unknown origin, with unexpected attachments, should not be opened.
- Program exchange by means of exchangeable data carriers should be carried out with the utmost caution. Original CDs or certified downloads are good alternatives.
- Passwords should not be stored, as this allows a virus to use your inbox or Internet provider without hindrance.
- High security settings when surfing are very important, because if the setting is too low, a program in which a virus is located can be executed unnoticed on the computer via a web page.
- The antivirus program.
The antivirus program can provide additional security through general protection. It should have the following abilities:
- Monitoring of data carriers during operation (online).
- Monitoring of incoming mail during operation (online).
- File monitoring while surfing the Internet.
- Appointment calendar for the examination of the whole computer system.
- Update of virus data.
Without an update of the virus data, an antivirus program is quickly ineffective. The widespread use of antivirus programs has resulted in only new computer viruses circulating.
- Restrict virus access.
- Exploit general protection measures, because what they can generally do against computer viruses, they do against all computer viruses.
- Use optimal virus protection. Find out and use an antivirus program that protects all applications.
- Provide the virus protection program with current virus data, e.g. from the Internet.